

  • 教育背景




  • 工作经历

    2014.08至今:澳大利亚研究学会未来学者称号(ARC Future Fellow),澳大利亚,澳大利亚国立大学 地球科学公司(Australian National University, Research School of Earth Sciences)

    2012.08-2014.07:学者(Fellow),澳大利亚,澳大利亚国立大学地球科学公司(Australian National University, Research School of Earth Sciences)

    2011.09-2012.08:美国国家实验室博士后学者(Livermore National Laboratory postdoctoral Fellow),美 国,Livermore 国家实验室(Livermore National Laboratory)

    2011.02-2011.08:拉蒙特助理教授(Lamont Assistant Research Professor),美国,哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia University)

    2008.09-2011.01:拉蒙特博后学者(Lamont Postdoctoral Fellow),美国,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)

    2006.04-2008.08:副研究员(Research Associate),英国,剑桥大学地球科学系(University of Cambridge, department of Earth Sciences)

  • 教学与科研成果


    同位素及元素地球化学,古气候/古海洋/古环境,第四纪气候变化,全球碳 循环,海洋碳酸岩体系,大气 CO2变化,海洋酸化,生物碳酸岩成因机理,古环境指标开发及测试,古洋流与气候变化耦合关系。主要成果如下:

    1)建立可靠有效的生物碳酸岩元素 ICPMS 测试方法 (Yu et al., G3, 2005),对小达 60ug 的样品同时 测十几个微量元素含量,此方法为国际首次精确可靠的分析有孔虫 B/Ca 比值。

    2)有效的区分出可靠的生物碳酸岩清洗方法(Yu et al., G3, 2007),两位评审人评价该研究与以往 研究截然不同,提供了独到的见解,为有孔虫的洗涤研究提供了最前沿的信息。

    3)系统研究海洋生物碳酸岩微量元素控制因素,这些元素包括 BYu et al., Paleoceanography, 2007; Yu & Elderfield, EPSL, 2007, Mg Yu & Elderfield, EPSL, 2008), U (Yu et al., GCA, 2008),  Sr(Yu et al., QSR, 2014)元素,这些研究为全球元素和碳的循环循环规律提供了可靠的基础。


    G. Marino*, E.J. Rohling, L. Rodríguez-Sanz, K.M. Grant, D. Heslop, A.P. Roberts, J.D. Stanford & J. Yu, Bipolar seesaw control on last interglacial sea level, Nature, 2015, in press

    Jimin Yu*, Henry Elderfield, Zhangdong Jin, Paul Tomascak, Eelco J. Rohling, Controls on Sr/Ca in benthic foraminifera and implications for seawater Sr/Ca during the late Pleistocene, Quat. Sci. Rev., DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.05.018, 2014.

    Yu J.*, Anderson R.F., Jin Z.D., Menviel L., Zhang F., Ryerson F.J., Rohling E.J., Deep South Atlantic carbonate chemistry and increased interocean deep water exchange during last deglaciation, Quat. Sci. Rev., doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.02.018, 2014.

    Yu J.*, Anderson R.F., Rohling E.J., Deep ocean carbonate chemistry and glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 changes. Oceanography 27(1), 16-25, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.04, 2014.

    S. Kender*, J. Yu and V.L. Peck, Deep ocean carbonate ion increase during mid Miocene CO2 decline, Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/srep04187, 2014

    Yu J.*, Anderson R.F., Jin Z.D., Rae J., Opdyke B.N., Eggins S., Responses of the deep ocean carbonate system to carbon reorganization during the Last Glacial–interglacial cycle, Quat. Sci. Rev. 76, 39-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.06.020, 2013.

    Yu J.*, Thornalley D.J.R., Rae J.W.B., and McCave I.N., Calibration and application of B/Ca, Cd/Ca and d11B in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) to constrain CO2 uptake in the subpolar North Atlantic during the last deglaciation, Paleoceanography, doi: 10.1029/2012PA002432, 2013. A.M.

    Piotrowski*, A. Galy, J.A.L. Nicholl, N. Roberts, D. J. Wilson, J. Clegg and J. Yu, Reconstructing deglacial North and South Atlantic deep water source using foraminiferal Nd isotopes, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 357-358:289-297, 2012.

    K. A. Allen*, B. Hönisch, S. M. Eggins, J. Yu, H. J. Spero, H. Elderfield, Controls on boron incorporation in cultured tests of the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.07.010, 2011.

    Broecker, W.S.* and Yu, J., What do we know about the evolution of Mg to Ca ratios in seawater?, Paleoceanogr., doi:10.1029/2011PA002120, 2011.

    Johnstone, H.*, Yu, J., Elderfield, H. and Schulz, M., Improving temperature estimates derived from Mg/Ca of planktonic foraminifera using X-ray computed tomography-based dissolution index, Paleoceanogr., doi:10.1029/2010PA001940, 2011.

    Yu, J.M.*, Broecker, W.S., Elderfield, H., Jin, Z.D., McManus, J., Zhang, F., Loss of carbon from the deep sea since the Last Glacial Maximum, Science, doi: 10.1126/science.1193221, 2010. Yu, J.M.*, Foster, G.L., Elderfield, H., Broecker, W.S. and Clark, E., An evaluation of benthic foraminiferal B/Ca and d11B for deep ocean carbonate ion and pH reconstructions. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 293(1-2): 114-120, 2010.

    Yu, J.M.* and Broecker, W.S., Comment on “Deep-Sea Temperature and Ice Volume Changes Across the Pliocene-Pleistocene Climate Transitions”, Science, 328, 1480c, doi:10.1126/science.1186544, 2010.

    Peck, V.L.*, Yu, J., Kender, S. and Riesselman, C.R., Shifting ocean carbonate chemistry during the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition: implications for deep ocean Mg/Ca-paleothermometry. Paleoceanogr.: doi:10.1029/2009PA001906, 2010.


    在读博士:戴宇豪、巫嘉德、陈璞皎、Katie Harazin

  • 学术活动及社会服务


    1.编辑:Nature Scientific Report 杂志的地球和环境科学方向。

    2.国际期刊审稿人:Nature, Science, Nature Geoscience, Nature Education, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Geology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Paleoceanography, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, G-cubed, Biogeosciencs, Climate of the Past, Oceanography, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research, Chemical Geology, Journal of Earth System Science, Marine micropaleontology, Science China, Chinese Science Bulletin, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, and Applied Water Science.

    3.科研组织评审专家:National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) , National Environmental Research Council (NERC, UK),Australian Research Council (ARC, Australia).

  • 荣誉

    2014:澳大利亚研究协会“未来学者”(全澳洲地学共 8 名获奖者;类似于中国的杰青教授级别)


    2012:Goldschmidt 年会特邀主题报告

    2011: 美国 Lawrence Livermore 国家实验室学者奖金

    2010:美国 Catalina 海洋酸化邀请报告




