Welcome to the School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University

The 4th Study and Cultural Tour of Marine Scholarship of China Held in Qingdao

November 5 to 8, 2018, the 4th Study and Cultural Tour of Marine Scholarship of China was held in Qingdao with 60 teachers and marine scholarship students from Tongji University, Ocean University of China, Zhejiang University, Xiamen University and Harbin Engineering University participating. Among them, 10 international students from Tongji University were invited to the program.

At the opening ceremony on the morning of November 5, leaders of Ocean University of China delivered speeches and warmly welcomed international students from all over the world. At the symposium, teachers from the five scholarship training universities conducted in-depth exchanges with international students. The students actively shared their learning and life experiences in China and introduced their academic work and achievements.

In the next few days of study tours, teachers and students visited the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences of Ocean University of China, the National Deep Sea Center, Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao), and the First Institute of Oceanography, MNR and other marine scientific research  units. From this tour, students learned about the current situation of Chinas marine research, future development plans, marine research equipment, experimental instruments and analysis through detailed introduction by the teacher on the spot. They expressed deep admiration for the rapid development of Chinas marine science and technology.

The Marine Scholarship of China program was jointly launched by the  SOA and Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2012 for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from coastal countries or regions around South China Sea, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean and African developing countries to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree in oceanography or other related specialties, cultivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. Until 2018, more than 190 students from 29 countries and regions in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America have been enrolled into this Marine Scholarship of China program. Among them, 39 international students from 16 countries have been admitted to Tongji University.
